My story starts with my family.  I grew up in an area where it was just expected that you go to college and major is something that will earn you top-dollar.  My father coached both my brother and sister on what colleges are the best and what their area of focus should be.  I, on the other hand, was not the academic in the family. My father even said that I did not have to go to college if I didn’t want to.  I thought long and hard about it and I did eventually choose to do the obligatory ‘college thing”, majoring in Communications.

During my time in college, I did find myself in the Dean’s office on multiple occasions.  I recall one particular instance where I had to pursue him to allow me to stay on campus and continue pursuing my degree.  I learned how to sell myself to people by using the persuasive skills, and conflict resolution skills that I learned in class.  While I did not necessarily have the best grades, I had to show the dean that I had  other strengths.  That Dean was not convinced that I would succeed, but I was  allowed to stay and did earn my degree.  That’s when I realized that Sales was my future.  I was not going to be a Marine Biologist, or a Doctor or Lawyer…..I was going to use my persuasive skills and strength in communication to earn a living.  I was going to be in sales.

I started out selling automotive parts for AAMCO Transmissions.  This is where the franchising bug began.  I knew literally nothing about franchising at this point but I knew I could sell something if there was a need.  I excelled selling automotive parts and felt there was more.  During my time at AAMCO, I watched the Franchise Sales Department bring on new franchisees over and over again.  I thought, if I can sell parts, surely I can sell franchises.

I submitted my resume to Cottman Transmission, thinking that I had zero chance of getting the job.  I was young and had no experience in franchise sales.  Surely there were others way more qualified than I was.  Again, I sold myself to the hiring manager and convinced him that knowing about the transmission industry as a whole, was more valuable than having experience in selling franchises.  I could talk the talk of those looking to buy a franchise better than others that came out of other industries.  I told him I could learn the franchise side of things quickly.  How much different could it be from selling parts?  He agreed and I was hired.

I eventually took those skills to The Goddard School, selling franchises for them.  I loved helping people take control of their lives and realizing their dream of business ownership.  As I continued this, I also got a little envious as I watched people get into business and totally flourish, moving on to multiple locations and making a LOT of money.  I knew that I eventually wanted to follow the same path and find my purpose.  But, for many years I fell into the same roadblock as many who are reading this right now.  FEAR.  Fear is what held me back.  Fear of failure, Fear of losing money, Fear that that Dean in College was right, and I wouldn’t succeed.  So, I continued in my comfort zone and stayed at The Goddard School for 17 years.

I eventually left and went on to a smaller preschool franchise, Celebree School, where I was again assisting others in realizing their dream of owning their own business.  I saw how excited they were to begin a new chapter in their lives and do something that they will fully enjoy while at the same time, take control of their lives.   I was again envious of those that had the courage to take charge of their lives and believe enough in themselves to know that they had what it took to be successful.  This time, I did not sit idly back and watch.  I looked in the mirror and said to the image staring  back at me “You can do this”.  And, so I did.  

Today, I am a consultant for The Perfect Franchise, which actually gives me the best of both worlds.  I still get to do what I love, which is helping  people realize their dream of business ownership, but I do this while working for myself.  I no longer have to travel because someone else says I have to.  I no longer have to attend unnecessary meetings, or be constrained by other people’s timelines, goals or schedules.  I get to do what I love with the rules I create.

My story is similar to many and just goes to show that if you simply take the time to look in the mirror and just believe in yourself, you can accomplish anything.  I am proof of that.  I’ve been in the franchise industry for over 30 years and have seen it all.  If you are wondering if you are a ‘fit’ for franchising, feel free to reach out to me. I’m sure I can help.