My story ….. hmmm, ok here it goes.  I’ll save you the boredom of reading about my elementary school years. 

I fancy myself a very quick-witted and funny guy, you, of course, are welcome to disagree as I’m sure many people do. 

I was born and raised in the “Fighting City of Philadelphia” — yes it is true, Philadelphia Eagles fans did throw snowballs at Santa Clause during an Eagles Game Halftime show in 1968, long before my love of sports kicked in so, I take NO BLAME.   

Fun fact about the neighborhood I grew up in, Sylvester Stallone – yep Rocky, attended the same High School that I went to.  He donated the Black and Gold robe he wore in Rocky II to the school and several people I went to school with were in the movie when they flashed our school band and color guard during the movie.

I grew up playing all sports, riding bikes, and anything that took me or kept me outdoors, I still prefer to be outdoors playing sports, Golf and Tennis mostly these days.  I taught 2 of my sons how to play golf and wouldn’t you know it, they are both now better than me.  Oh well — at least they still let me pay for the round and the cart…… usually lunch too.    

Fast forward from my high school years and into my mid-twenties, I had a few good jobs but nothing that was what I wanted to be doing. They were just ways to make money, I’m sure EVERYONE has had a few jobs or careers like this, or still do for that matter, all too often I talk with men and women of all ages, all levels of income, and all levels of success and they say the same thing,  “it’s a job” “it pays the bills” 

It’s just a way to earn money” should never be the final page in your book of your work life and career.

Fortunately, I got the job that I truly wanted, my first job in Franchising.  

I learned everything I could about the company who gave me my first job in franchising and the overall franchise industry, I am still learning new things every day despite my 29 years in the Franchise world.   

I know I will be of great assistance to you in your “Discovery Journey” into learning if Franchising or owning a business of your own is the right path for you. 

Educating yourself pertaining to anything is the key to making the absolute best decision — when it comes to learning more about the Franchise Industry I am happy to impart whatever knowledge you seek and the best part is: IT IS COMPLETELY FREE !!